Sunday, July 8, 2012

1 month old...


I can't believe how fast time has flown by! My baby is growing all too quickly, and it's so bitter sweet. I love him more than anything and cannot get enough of him. I wish I could stop time, stop time so I wouldn't have to go back to work, and I could just hold my son and be able to admire this miracle that my Heavenly Father has trusted me with. He is so perfect. But here are a few things that my little man has been doing for the past month....

Kymani is now responding to my voice, he smiles and coo's at me. Every crooked smile melts my heart and lets me know that he is starting to recognize who I am. He also has the cutest dimples I've ever seen, just like his daddy's.

Kymani has been in my opinion a very quick developer. He has been holding up his head very well since birth, and can do it for longer periods of time.

He loves tummy time, and learned to roll over from tummy to back at 3 weeks!!! I about died when he did it for the first time, I didn't think their were supposed to do that until a few months old.

He is also a big eater...maybe the Samoan side is coming out in him!!! Even though it took us 3 weeks for him and I to learn to latch and nurse correctly, persistence, pain, and patients were totally worth it!!! I love that bond I'm able to have with my son. Even though he takes his time, and could eat for hours we still supplement with formula.

I weighed him the other day...drum roll... he weighed in at 11 lbs 3 oz!!! Growing boy!!!

He has lost all his hair on top of his head...and it's long on the sides and back. He looks like an old man !!! hahaha but a fuzz is starting to come in :)

Kymani is very alert and wide awake...all the time. Most newborns sleep the first month...ummm nope not my little man. His eyes are still the newborn slate gray blue color. So his eyes could go either way, brown black like his dad or blue like me!

Kymani and I cuddle EVERY morning. I have kind of spoiled him with holding and cuddling him. I'm kicking myself now because it's hard to get ready in the mornings when I don't have help and Kymani feels the need to be held. But I just can't put him down, I would love to hold him in my arms ALL DAY LONG!

He loves stroller rides on warm summer nights. We unfortunately were delayed due to the fires in the area this summer. I didn't want to expose him to the nasty air we were having, but it has since rained and the fires contained so we are out and about again.

He is sleeping from 12:00AM to 5 or 6:00 AM, unless him and I fall asleep together he'll sleep soundly until 8:00 AM :)

Kymani LOVES bath time!

Kymani has several Mongolian spots located on his bum. They look like bruises, but they are just pigmented spots. The doctor said it's common in ethnicity's that have darker skin tone. Even though Kymani is fairer skin toned now, he said most likely he'll darken up with time.

I love the spirit that is now in my home. I feel so happy all the time and cherish the feeling of love with in our home. He brings such a pure feeling, I cannot stand to listen to any music, watch any TV show, or talk about anything that would disrupt what he has brought into our home. I feel we have been so blessed that Kymani didn't have to go to the NICU at birth, he didn't have jaundice, and hasn't had any health issues. We truly have been blessed.

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